Friday, April 10, 2015

daily inspiration 4.10.15

Somedays I browse from website to website and afterwards feel like I've found lots of products I need to buy but I haven't stumbled across anything that filled me up inside.

These days are frustrating because I know what I really need to do is stop browsing and start doing something else.  But somedays I just need a little inspiration. A pick-me-up reminder that, hey, life can be so great. Now go do something to make it that way!

Are you like that too?

I've stumbled across lots of things that don't inspire me, and some that do. I'd like to share the things that do inspire me with you. I'm calling them "daily inspiration".

Expect videos, articles, photos, ted talks, quotes, maybe even a little something I myself write. I hope they give you that little pick-me-up in whatever area of life you need it.

My very first daily inspiration is a Ted Talk by one of my favorite children's author's, Mac Barnett. This video is a little lengthier than most daily inspirations will be, but it will keep you laughing the whole time.

There is so much more to life than this screen.

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